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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12 Week Ulltrasound and Drs Appt.

So today was my 12 Week NT scan for downsyndrome, and all the bloodwork that goes with that too. First i had my ultrasound. Right away you could see the baby the moment she put the scanner on my belly! the baby has grown so much these last 3 weeks its crazy! The baby is measuring right on track give or take a day, but they said thats normal, the heartrate was 167 BPM which is also normal, such a wonderful sound to hear! My cervix is still th same 4cm which is good, no change from 3 weeks ago, which is what we want! I will go for my cerclage next Friday the 21st, im a little apprehensive about it, Kennedys didnt go so well hopefully this time is better though. I have gained 5 lbs since my last appt 3 weeks ago, which seems like alot, my dr said i was fine,lol.So for a grand total of 10lbs already, at this rate i will be a blimo by the end! Im already showing enough for ppl to notice and i could be wearing maternity clothes but im holding off as long as possible! My next actual drs appt is at 16 weeks, so June 7th, its an ultrasound to check the placement of the stiches and a regular appt too. Well i think that is all for now, i will right next week before my surgery and after im sure!


  1. Hi Amber! So sorry I havent been able to see your new blog til now, its so nice! I love the little bean pics! So glad all is going well, and Ill be praying for you, especially when cerclage suregery comes. Happy 12 weeks!!!! Hugs, Nan xxx

  2. Oh thats ok Nan! I understand! Surgery is tmr, EEK! Ill be fine im sure! Happy 32 weeks for you!yay! Its getting so close!
