Ok, i know im so far behind! Things have been a little hectic around my house!
SO November 1st was my Cerclage removal, i went home and slept all day. Adam went to school that night and i was contracting but nothing bad. Around 9pm i kept getting sharp pains so i thought maybe we should just go in and be checked out. We took Kennedy to my moms house and headed to the hospital. When we got there we parked in back and far away so i could walk to get my contractions going better, i did not want to be sent home! We got upstairs and they got me right into a room, i undressed the nurse came and asked me questions then checked me. I was 2.5cm that morning right after the cerclage removal, when she checked me i was 3.5cm almost 4cm! YAY! SO she called my drs partner and asked what he wanted us to do. He said to check me again in an hr and see if i was progressing but either way id be staying until i delivered! yippee! I was contracting ever 2 to 3 mins which i had no clue! I have such a high pian tolerance they dont really phase me! She checked me an hr later and i was a good 4cm! I called my mom and she had Adams grandparents come get Kennedy so she could come up and be there for the delivery! Adam went down to greet her around 1130pm and right when they got back up i was getting ready for my epidural already! After i had that placed i was a good 6cm and the resident broke my water. I starting stalling out so i got pitocin to help get my contractions going again. I tried to sleep which didnt work too well, my heartrate was through the roof which concerened them al little so i tried to relax which was difficult. Around 3am or so i was 8cm. Then they had me sit up in bed to try and get her to drop more, and her heartrate dropped very low. So much so a few other nurses came running in to see if they could help my nurse out. They had me lay on my left which didnt help too much then my right then back to my left until finally her heartrate stabilized thank goodness! I was getting scared, they did end up putting an internal probe on her head to measure her heartrate better. Around 5am i was completely dilated and they called my dr to come. I had to push so bad but i resisted which was hard to do! At 530am my dr showed up and i began to push,we were all joking that maybe she would be born at 605 am the same time Kennedy was! As i started to push i could feel NOTHING which sucked! I couldnt tell what i was doing! Then my contractions started to space out for some reason so they started to pitocin again and at 607am i delivered a healthy screaming 6lb 7oz baby girl we named Stella Blue! SHe came out screaming! She looked just like Kennedy only with tons of RED hair! I was in love instantly!They cleaned and bathed her in the room i breastfed then they wheeled us to postpardum.
The hospital stay was longer than expected. Since she was born under 37 weeks they have to do a carseat study, which is where they put the baby in the carseat with an oxygen sensor and heart monitor on and they have to stay for 90 mins, the respitory thearapist does them in the nursery or NICU. They had to do it with Kennedy too so i knew what to expect or so i thought! The nurse came in after the test and said she failed! She turned blue and quit breathing! I broke down, i was so scared, it took them 40 seconds to get her back to being ok again, talk about scary! She said they would retest the next day. Thursday afternoon they retested and she failed AGAIN! She did the same thing as the first time. I was worried she had a heart problem or apneia, they assured me no she didnt but they thought she was refluxing during the test so they started her on acid reflux meds. They would retest her again Friday afternoon but they had to discharge me. They discharged me and they sent her to the pediatric floor where she had her own room and i just stayed with her in there for the night and day. Friday came and they retested that afternoon and they did it in my room which i was nervous about. She did good during it, the monitor did go off 2 tomes but she came right back and was fine, and she PASSED! 3rd time was the charm i guess! She did have high billi so they sent us home on a billi blanket. I was just happy to go home!She weighed 5lbs 11ozs. We had been there since MOnday night and didnt get home till Friday around 8pm! Talk about a long stay! Plus i missed Kennedy she had to have been so confused! The next morning on Saturday the home health care nurse came and checked her out and drew blood and her billi had gone down so she got to come off of her lights!She was 6lbs that day. I had to take her to her dr that tuesday the 9th for her 1 week appt. She weighed 6lbs 40zs at that appt. She was checked out and was doing great, and gaining weight back! Yay Stella! My next appt was for her 2 weeks.She was 7 lbs 12 ozs at that appt! She is 6 weeks old already! Oh my how time flies! I will post some pics of her! Shes such a sweet baby! Her next appt is January 5th for her 2 month appt.