So today was my 1st Appt since my cerclage surgery. First i had an ultrasound to check the placement of the stitch and the babys growth. My cervix is measuring 4.4cm which is great! With Kennedy it was 3cm at this point and it ran 2cm the whole pregnancy. Im off to a good start! Just praying it stays this way. My stitches look good too. The babys heartbeat was 147BPM. Weighing in at a whopping 4ozs!lol!I have gained 1 lb since my last appt. I go back on June 25th to have another ultrasound to check my cervix and my stitches. SHe also said that at that appt they will tell me the babys sex!yippee! That made my day! Im super excited to find out! I have my guess, so i will see if im right! Counting down the days to see the little peanut again!
YAY!!! What an excellent appt!!! I am so happy for you honey!!! Cant wait to know the gender with you!!! xxx